Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Toastmasters...Results Week 2

Tonight, I gave my first official Toastmaster's speech. I posted the basic speech in yesterday's blog, but what is fun and unique to speaking is that it is so different than the written word. Things that seem a little long and drawn out on paper can seem to go by quickly when you use some of the tricks of the trade. Changing the rate of speed you use to speak, adding gestures and facial expressions and using them to toy with the audience and their emotions is great fun!

One of the great values of Toastmasters is that you receive feedback that is near immediate, often by more than one person. My speech wasn’t perfect (there is rarely a perfect speech given by anyone!), but I did accomplish what I set out to do. I managed to do my best, I remembered everything I wanted to say and I won the ribbon for best speaker of the night!

It thrilled me to hear a couple little suggestions, followed by several people commenting individually on how heartfelt my speech was. One woman went as far as to say, "The emotion on your face and in your voice just tugged on my heartstrings!" Two of the men told me that they could definitely see me as a professional speaker. One of them astounded me when he told me that I have the ability to share my message and change the world! Wow! That is intense!

Just hearing those things made me feel good, but at the same time, it is humbling. I am honored to be a part of this special group. I humbly move forward, anticipating each and every speech I am to give. 

Here I am, an official Toastmasters International member. 
The black ribbon is my welcome ribbon. I also received a lapel pin. 
I won the blue ribbon for being the "Best Speaker of the Night".

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