Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Little Christmas Humbug?

I recently said hello to a friend on Facebook. I didn't even get a chance to ask about Christmas. Her immediate response was that she was running out the door and was putting up a tree she didn't want to put up. I kind of laughed and echoed her sentiments. Her response? "There is NOTHING wrong with NOT putting up a tree..people look at you like there is something wrong with you…maybe you can write a thing on that one."

The writing that follows is my response to her request:

No matter where I go this time of year, whether people know who I am or not, it seems I am asked if I am ready for Christmas. Really? Why do they want to know? Why all of this sudden small talk? Generally speaking, the questions are asking if my house is decorated and if I am finished shopping. Ugh!

If I had to name my favorite holiday, I think I would say Christmas - followed very closely by Easter. I'm not sure if anyone would be able to tell though. I have never been one who loves to decorate, although most years we do join in. It takes a lot of time and I don't feel like I am very good at it.

I enjoy special occasions. I like all the quirky little days that are thrown in just to make life fun - days like the appreciation days set aside for various workers, Sweetest Day, etc. My husband, on the other hand, does not seem to appreciate them like I do. In fact, my days of hoping that he will even consider getting me something for Sweetest Day are over! Long gone! He thinks they are ridiculous - just another day for Hallmark and the florist to make money.

The older I have gotten, the more life experiences I partake in, the more I see that commercialism running rampant throughout every holiday out there. More and more I appreciate the decorating and the work others have done to celebrate the Christmas holiday. But as for me, it is far from important to see the beautiful snow, the wonderful lights, and the nicely decorated Christmas tree. Am I ready for Christmas? Sure, as long as that doesn't mean I have spent a lot of money on gifts or spent hours decorating!

At the center of my favorite holidays is the true meaning behind them. Our Messiah was born and at Easter time we celebrate God's amazing gift explained to us in John 3:16. "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

As we celebrate, we remember our family and friends and love to spend time with them. The combination of Biblical truth and our relationships with loved ones is what truly makes the holiday special to me.

Decorating seems like an extension of the commercialism my husband despises on Sweetest Day. Yet, at the same time, when I start to decorate, it really takes on a completely different meaning. The decorating ceases to be a chore; it quickly becomes a time filled with great memories. You see, most of my decorations (perhaps even all) are gifts received through the years. As I look at each item, I remember each special relationship and somehow the "chore" becomes something almost magical. Christmas music in the background reminds me of the joy and the reason behind Christmas and I am suddenly filled once again by the love extended to us.

Our tree? Well, some people may think our tree is a bit on the skimpy side, but the four of us like it. It is a little, purple, tabletop tree that friends purchased for Becca when she was in the hospital. When Becca saw it set up, she was thrilled and even mentioned that gifts (…gifts? …time will tell…) could go under the table. Perfect. And it is another reminder of love, along with the reminder of God's magnificent gifts of healing and provision.

To my dear Facebook friend who asked me to blog about this topic, I hope that somewhere within this writing you found a small piece of encouragement. It's okay if you don't put a tree up, but in doing so, I hope you were able to find and relive lots of little memories and remember your loved ones too. Christmas should be about being able to find joy - even if that means you have to look hard for it. Somewhere out there, it is there for you to find.

My closing paragraph has been copied from another Facebook friend's status. I thought it was an interesting way of looking at things.
Did you know that the chopping down of the Christmas tree represents the death of Christ and putting it back up again represents the resurrection of Christ. Did you know that the wreaths we hang are never ending circles, that represents eternity? Candy canes were made to look like shepherd hooks and the colors red , Jesus' blood, white, purity. The gifts, represents the 3 gifts the wise men brought for Jesus. So when you are running around trying to get the "perfect gift", stop yourself take a deep breath and remember we have been given the perfect gift, Jesus Christ was given to us to remove all of our sins. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Jesus. Merry CHRISTmas!!!

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