Monday, December 5, 2011


It's been coming for awhile. I've been dreaming…And now my dream is about to burst into a full vacation! Yes! I am really ready!

But wait… There is a problem. My bank account tells me I can't take a vacation. Harrumph! As I see it, I now have two options…

Doom & Gloom


Rise and Surprise!

I will choose the latter. It sounds like more fun. I am tired of the doom and gloom. Today was just one of those days of being ready to escape. I don't really care too much about where I escape to. Of course I would love to run away to some far off place and have the time of my life, but since that is not an option, I have decided that I am going to have a little fun right here.

I mentioned a stay-cation to someone today. She thought it would be nice to take a vacation at home, work on projects that she isn't able to attend to during her normal schedule. Me? Nah. Work doesn't sound like vacation. Although, if there were some way to trick my family into believing that it could be fun, it might be tempting! …I could come up with a whole house make-over!

Since I don't think that is going to happen, I will plan this crazy stay-cation. Weird, I know. It is somewhat of a twisted idea. But I have to do something. Here are some of the things I am planning/considering:

Step 1: Change my name. Check! I am now Лиса Боскуез. Actually that is my real name translated to Serbian...not really sure how long I want to look at it in a foreign language. Hmmm…

Step 2: I wonder what Serbia is like…I checked into it a little on Wikipedia…not bad.

Step 3: Immerse myself in the culture…eat some Serbian food - or even just a Greek gyro! Find some art and music…surf the net a bit.

Step 4: Dream of a cruise down the almighty Danube River.

Step 5: Insert some real vacation traditions - "visit" far away friends! Yay!

Oh, I don't know…I think this all may be a little too weird even for me!

Dear reader, what suggestions do you have for me? How can I plan my stay-cation to be something fun without spending any money? How do you "get away from it all" without really leaving home?


  1. We have family nights - disconnect from all laptops, smart phones and work on connecting with each other and our kids. We watch movies, build forts, decorate for Christmas, play games, eat cake for breakfast or breakfast foods for dinner ... anything out of the ordinary is a kick for little kids. Not so sure about big kids though : ) Have fun on your stay-cay!

  2. You are hilarious and now I am understanding your facebook posts! A movie or book is my favorite downhome escape!

  3. We are going to see the play "Scrooge" in New London Friday night and walk through the lighted Botanical Gardens in GreenBay on Saturday ...I heard they were really nice. I've always wanted to see the "Nutcracker" at the Oshkosh museum...

    We like the stuffed Salmon at Sam's Club, bake it while I make some yummy veggies, put on some Christmas music, and have a nice meal...then play cribbage if it is just the 2 of us, or Sheepshead if other family members are over.

    you could buy unfrosted cookies from the bakery and frost cookies together.

  4. You all have some great ideas. :) Thank you for your comments! I do think anything out of the ordinary is fun for anyone...and leaving technology behind (in my opinion) is a must during a vacation.

    I enjoy books and movies too. Which one depends on family vacation vs personal get-away. Although, we have had some nights that we have read a book out loud as a family. And when the girls were young, books on tape were fun. In fact, one time we listened to "A Wrinkle in Time" on a road trip. It was so much enjoyed that the trip flew and the tape was the first thing that happened every time we got back in the vehicle! Sometimes they didn't even want to get out!

    Trying some new foods could be fun too. We do enjoy working together in the kitchen and love to be creative. Nancy, the activities you mentioned sounded like fun. I hope you had a good time!
