Waffles with strawberries and whipped cream are the tradition at our house. We clean up, regroup in the living room, read Scripture and reflect. This is the first year that both girls participated in purchasing gifts. They each have a job and took the responsibility on themselves without being told or asked. They purchased a gift for each other and a gift for their dad and I. But they put thought into what was purchased and it showed! Hannah even purchased a gift for the dog! I found it interesting that they wanted to give before they opened the gifts we had for them. It was fun! They had each picked up some overheard verbal cues and followed through on what was really wanted. Impressive!
Hannah was particularly curious this year. She asked me on Christmas Eve if they would each have three gifts to open - another Christmas tradition, symbolizing the gifts the three wise men took to Jesus. When she asked, I barely had one gift for them! I did have the idea for a second gift and knew how it could be taken care of though. A third gift...what could it be? I had some candy on hand. I put that in a small (and by small, I mean SMALL...think wedding favor size) bag.
A fancy lunch bag is the gift they chose first...the bag of candy... Not one complaint! Just appreciation for the smallest of small gifts. Second, they both received a tank top and shorts set that "magically grows" in water. I was worried they would think it was a lame gift. I had found it on a trip that I took this summer. It was meant to be a "filler" type gift. But they were a hit! Becca "grew" her clothes in a flash! Their final gift was a card, filled with a personal message and concluded with a coupon for a massage - a gift I knew they would both like to have.
We had a great time together and it really felt like we were able to focus more on the true meaning of Christmas. God has given us the ultimate gift of His Son, but we feel like we have been richly blessed by the lack of tangible items. It's a different concept than that of the all too common view of bigger is better and the more the merrier! Our true reward will be in heaven, but it feels like we have already received reward. Praise be to God!
I pray your holiday season has been as blessed as we feel ours has been. Happy holidays, everyone!
Glad to hear it was so meaningful. It is fun to watch our kids mature and enjoy the giving and the getting!