Saturday, October 27, 2012

Can You Afford to Take the Risk?

Wayne Gretzky once said, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." 

When I saw that quote today, it rang out loud and clear. It was exactly what I needed. For the past year, I have been chasing a dream, or perhaps better stated, preparing to chase my dream. You see, about a year ago, I made a choice to pursue public speaking. It is a passion I have had for quite some time - one that has continued to grow with increasing opportunities to speak and abundant support from friends and colleagues.

When I returned from my trip across the country (Savannah, GA to Shreveport, LA) this summer, one of my fellow Toastmasters suggested that I apply for the Toastmasters Accredited Speaker Program. His suggestion was seconded by several. As I researched this potential opportunity, I learned that this is an elite designation for those of professional speaking caliber who have demonstrated their abilities to speak through the five major speaking categories: Informing, Persuading, Motivational/Inspirational, Entertainment/Humor, and Seminar/Discussion Leader.

I was honored to have been encouraged so greatly! I decided to move forward in this quest, gathering the necessary information and recording a CD. Thankfully, I had speaking engagements lined up in the short month I had to work with before submissions are due. There was one presentation in particular that stood out as the perfect opportunity to record. The day came and I couldn't have been pickier about the way it turned out. I was attacked with thoughts and feelings that the presentation wasn't good enough. In fact, I've hemmed and hawed about it all week because I really wanted to achieve this goal.

I was blessed yesterday to listen to a podcast. In it, Jana Barnhill, an accredited speaker, addressed my fears. She mentioned that people who are professional speakers are critical of their own work. They constantly want to improve. So true! Today I read the quote above, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." 

Can I afford to take the risk? Yes! I am going to take the words of Mr. Gretzky and the encouragement of Jana Barnhill to heart. I am going to take a deep breath, set my perfectionism aside and submit my work for consideration into the accredited speaker program. I know I have the ability. I have spoken to thousands of people. I have garnered wonderful feedback. I can't let my perfectionist spirit get in the way. Besides, what's the worst that could happen? I would just need to try again and that would simply mean that I am growing in experience and ability - both great things to strive for no matter what happens.

What about you? Do you have goals, hopes, or dreams? Tell us about them. I'd especially love to hear about your dream come true. Show us how/why we can afford to take the risk of pursuing our passions. What better way is there to teach than through example?


  1. Hi Lisa,
    Toastmasters encourages us to get out of our comfort zone and is all about learning. For me it is a risk to stand and give a speech in my Toastmasters club so I admire you for submitting your work to the accredited speaker program. I wish you all the best .

  2. Thank you, Fran! I appreciate your comment and your encouragement. Keep taking those risks in Toastmasters. They are so worth every little bit of growth. I am sure the other club members look forward to what you have to say too. What a great place to step outside of your comfort zone. All the best to you too!
