What kind of thoughts does the word "used" bring to mind? Does it bring up negative connotations of being under appreciated? Do you think of unwanted clothing or other belongings? Or do you think of the more positive aspects such as value and bargains?
No one really likes any of the negative thoughts associated with the word "used." It would be a struggle at best. But consider the other side of the coin - used belongings often become bargains. They accumulate value through simple ownership and appreciation. Some things gain value as they age.
That is where I feel like I fit in my walk with God. I feel like the older I get, the more wisdom and value I gain. I long to be in His presence more and more. I learn as I figure out how to listen. I may or may not always "hear" what God is calling me to do, but as time goes on, I continue to learn to put different puzzle pieces together. I am learning that I truly am a treasure in His eyes and He really does have plans for me to actively participate in.
I look forward to uncovering that adventure one piece at a time. I am thankful for a God that has plans to define our adventures and thankful that He delights in us. Psalm 37:23-24 tells us, "The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in the every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand." (NLT)
What an honor to be loved and accepted by the King!
To be used is to be fulfilling a purpose and, if used properly, to be fulfilling YOUR purpose. Anything that is designed with a purpose and not used for it is wasted, neglected, said to be USELESS or OF NO USE. That is not the 'label' I want attached to my life.