Success is a clouded reality for many. Sadly, most people don't give themselves or others credit for the accomplishments that are made in life. They tend to look at what a person's financial situation appears to be from the outside. Fortunately, success is comprised of much more than the almighty dollar!
I challenge you to look at success through another lens. Think about success in terms of meeting goals and dreams. For some, that will simply be making it through life moment by moment. For others, the goals will be bigger.
Take a moment to measure your success in several different areas. You can look at the big picture - or you could look at it from a closer viewpoint, such as this month, this week, or even this day because each new day is the gateway to our future. It might be interesting for you to look back, to think about how life was years ago and how much you have changed.
If you aren't feeling successful, think about what it is that you can change. What can you be thankful for and what parts of your life do you feel like you have control over? Each choice you make can help you meet your next goal, no matter if that goal is an immediate one or one in the distant future. Choose a friend or mentor to confide in. Having an outside support system is paramount to any great success story.
Here are some ideas of various pieces of your life to reflect on - you don't need to go in depth unless you choose to:
Spiritual, Physical, Mental, Finances, Self-Improvement (Education), Family, Social (Friendships), Hobbies, Volunteerism
Desire is the key to motivation, but it's the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of our goal, a commitment to excellence, that will enable us to attain the success that we seek. ~ Unknown
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