Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is Your Plan?

"Do as I say, not as I have done." I often used this line with my children. It's not that I  want them to take that advice to heart on every issue. Throughout life we learn. Learning doesn't stop when we finish school. We learn until the day we die. I am simply encouraging my girls to look at my life, consider my choices, learn from them, and then choose wisely for themselves.

Here are some of the life lessons I have and am learning:
1.) Don't be afraid to think for yourself and stand up for what you believe.
In the end, what will it matter what others thought? You are responsible only for your own decisions.
2.) Look at the BIG picture.
It's easy to get caught up in the here and now. Yes, it is important to live for today. But unless we have a good overview of what we would like to see in the future, we cannot plan for it.
3.) You need an action plan.
No matter what you are planning in life, you need to have the big picture in mind as well as the action plan. Whether you are thinking about planning a birthday party, planning or retirement, or even an ordinary day, an action plan is essential.

I, personally, am not the world's best example of a planner. In fact, for most of my life I have lived "flying by the seat of my pants". I love to be spontaneous. While spontaneity can be a good trait, it can also be very damaging.

I am currently striving to improve my life. Unless I have a plan, I know that I will not accomplish many of the things I hope to do. I have found two pieces of advice that I think are really good.

Create a plan that you can list step by step how to get to the end. But wait! The next part is the best: Be able to speak your plan out loud. Speaking your plan out loud will help you to internalize it and you will be able to share your plan with others. If you are not able to share your plan (or aren't willing to share your plan) you lose accountability.

Another little tip that I have recently learned is to include your goals on lists that you write. I get an e-mail from One of the articles was about how to save money at the store. Including your goals on your shopping list was one of the tips! For example, if your goal was to save money and it was written on your list, chances are you would be reminded while you are at the store and skip some of the frivolous purchases. I'm sure that same tip could be used if you are trying to lose weight. Interestingly enough, if I remember correctly, the article also advised readers to list their goals on the shopping list a few times!

Many people already have a plan. Our hopes, dreams, and goals are generally within the realm of possibility.

Eileen Caddy once said, "Set your sights high, the higher the better. Expect the most wonderful things to happen, not in the future but right now. Realize that nothing is to good. Allow absolutely nothing to hamper you or hold you up in any way."

Do you have a step by step plan to help you meet the potential that lies within you?

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