Thursday, October 13, 2011

What Comes First?

I think most people are familiar with the Ten Commandments of the Bible. Ten basic rules. That doesn't sound too tough, does it? If you ask me, I would have to say, yes. Those ten rules are tough! And not only are they tough, I can't even say that I can get past the first one without stumbling! Do you know what the first command is? Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Ouch!

Before I get too far into this, I need to tell you that yes, I love God. He is my Lord and Savior. I have accepted His free gift of salvation that I really don't deserve. Having shared that, I return to my original point. As much as I love God, I have to wonder sometimes how genuine I really am. I go to church, attend and even lead Bible studies; I even have the Bible on my cell phone! Does that show that I am following the first command? I don't think so.

It seems easy to read the Bible and take it for face value - to see that God talked to Moses and gave him these commandments to share with the people. It's easy to read that these people weren't following the rules. Changes needed to be made. Wood and stone were carved. Gold was melted. Statues were made and worshipped. You get the picture.

What does that mean today? What are the gods of our time? I'm not referring to Buddah or other gods like that. I am talking to my Christian audience. As I see it, whatever it is that we put before God is a god. It could be our time, our money, material things, lust or sexual sin. Our god could be summed up as a god of self, i.e. putting self before God. Have you ever found yourself either purposefully or unknowingly stepping on others to further your own selfish desires? Many marriages have been ruined this way. In the work place, it tends to be a dog eat dog world out there. Have you ever found yourself "stepping on" another person just to get that edge?

The transparent side of me is willing to share that I struggle. Not just once in awhile, but every day. I don't know about you, but after awhile, I get tired of constantly being told what to do. I have been told how I should raise my children, the way I should treat my husband, what I should do with my time, and in general, the way I should live my life. As if hearing it from one source isn't enough, I have heard it from multiple people, in multiple opinions, and not only from people, the Bible tells me what to do too!

However, I have found blessing in all most of those situations! If I have a piece of encouragement for you, it is to truly seek God with all of your heart and mind. For it is there that you will find peace and happiness. The Bible is full of great words of encouragement. It isn't just a big book of senseless rules and useless stories. Regarding people telling me or you what to do, take time to realize that when they share their opinions with you it is because they genuinely care about you! They may not always know what is the right or best answer, but they love you enough to share a little bit of themselves with you.

As for the material things that I struggle with, I am choosing to remember those less fortunate than I. People in third world countries seem to be happy with much less than we have in America. They appreciate the little things in life. The dirty dishes in my kitchen are a great reminder that God has richly blessed me. Not only did we have food to eat, we had dishes to eat on and have hot water to wash them with and a kitchen to work in.

Our life stories can be filled with adventure, but until we allow God to completely break us, we will not find true joy. I challenge you today to put God first. Put aside a special time for God. Pray. Read your Bible. And pray some more! Romans 12:2 says, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Are you ready to experience life more fully? to put God first? to find true joy? and discover God's perfect will? I pray that you will be richly blessed as you dive in and accept this challenge. It will truly be one of your life's defining adventures!

1 comment:

  1. Our "gods" are so much more subtle than a golden calf and it requires time and introspection to realize them sometimes. It seems that in our world today we are too busy with the routines of life to take the time for God to show us our "gods". At least that's the way it is for me. I need to constantly come to Him in that broken state you speak of.
