Monday, October 22, 2012

What Do You Think?

I've heard that many people have dreams but most don't achieve them. How do you feel about that statement? Do you agree or disagree?

I'm going to keep this post just about as simple as that this morning because I really want to hear from you! As I build upon my dream and speak to others about pursuing their passions, I would like to learn about one or all of the following questions:

1.) Do you agree with the statement, "Many people have dreams but most don't achieve them."? Why or why not?
2.) Do you have a dream? How are you doing on accomplishing it? Do you think it's just a fairy tale dream or do you plan to accomplish your dream? OR
3.) Perhaps you have already had a dream come true. Are you willing to share the dream and a brief summary of your accomplishment(s)?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your first statement, "Many people have dreams but most don't achieve them." I think the biggest obstacle to achieving our dreams is being afraid to get out of our comfort zone. It's scary out there and we're not sure if we want to take that chance. It's so much easier to stay right here in my little box with all my familiar things and people around me.

    I am working on my dream and making steps outside my 'box' and my comfort zone. It can be compared to a turtle. A turtle can only make progress when it sticks its head out of its shell, but it's so much more comfortable inside the shell. So I'm trying to stretch and stick my head out of my shell so I can make progress. One step at a time, or as my husband says, "I'll cross that bridge when I get to it." I can do one step and then I can do another step, etc, etc, and pretty soon I'm that much closer to my goal. If I look too far ahead, then it gets overwhelming, but if I stick to one step at a time, I can make it.
